About Us

Welcome to KC's Canadian Currency. My name is Jason Caissie and like most of you I am a numismatic enthusiast of Canadian currency. I specialize mostly in Canadian banknotes with a stronger emphasis on chartered banks.


Our main focus is to operate in the most ethical and honest way possible while also helping educate collectors for the preservation of this wonderful hobby.

Our pieces are carefully selected, focusing on bringing quality and problem free original items for sale, which we believe, have the best potential for future growth. Grades are carefully inspected for accuracy; even third party graded material will be subject to our rigorous grading standards. We also promise never to withhold information about the item, which could prove disappointing or devastating.

You will be treated with the utmost respect and courteousness, the same we wish to receive when buying any notes. We will make it top priority to answer all your questions and accommodate any of your needs which could make your transaction easier.


We also understand that shipping items safely and securely is of great importance. We ship everything in padded envelopes and usually sandwich between 2 pieces of cardboard. All pieces are prepped with unpacking in mind, there should be little to no risk of damaging the item as it is removed from its envelope. Please let us know if you have special requests as we would be happy to accommodate you.

Check out our Shipping Rates


We strongly believe in the items we sell and will honor a full refund if not completely satisfied. Please refer to our ( Refund Policy ).

Buying & Trading

Do you have anything to sell? We are always interested in considering items you are ready to part with. We will give you a very competitive quote and also accept trades towards our inventory.

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